This is the question in every mind of SEO and webmasters that are new in digital marketing that what is not considered a source in google analytics.

Google Analytics is an invaluable tool that can help you grow your business and set goals you never thought obtainable. However, if you are not a technical person you may have trouble sorting out some of the lingo that is used when talking about Google Analytics. 

One thing that a lot of people misunderstand is Sources and Mediums. Understanding these terms will be a vital part of using Google Analytics. Let’s take a closer look at why Analytics is important, what sources are, and why you need to understand them. 

Importance of Using Google Analytics

Google Analytics is vital when it comes to growing your business. It helps give you the data that is needed to understand your traffic. Google Analytics can understand and track a customer’s actions, experience, online content, the device being used, and much more. 

While there are many different analytic tools that you can use to help obtain website data, Google Analytics is by far the most popular. Once you can measure this data you can use it to improve your website and help grow your business. 

With the help of Analytics, you can discover things about your audience that you never could before. It does not matter what type of website you are running, analytics is a powerful tool that can be used to help you obtain your business goals. 

Understanding your visitor’s behavior is an invaluable bit of information that can change visits into sales. But the question is what is not considered a source in google analytics?

What Are Google Analytics Types of Sources

Sources will be the domain that is directing visitors to your website. When it comes to organic traffic, the source would be Google. Referral traffic will come from various domains. Social traffic will be directed from the various social platforms that you use. 

Sources are very important because they tell you where your traffic is coming from. This section of analytics will show you a rundown of inbound links, the type of links they are, and which sites are linking back to your website. Links are very important when it comes to SEO. A link is like a vote telling Google you are legit in providing information to their searchers. 

Gaining links from high-authority sites can help improve your rankings. The goal should always be to associate yourself with high-quality sites so Google looks at your site as an asset. Links are a very important part of optimization. Just be aware that not all links are created equally. 

Your website’s traffic source will help you understand how well a marketing campaign is going. It will also help you define what on your site needs to be improved upon. Let’s See What Is Not Considered A Source In Google Analytics?

What Is Not Considered A Source In Google Analytics?

It’s easy to get the verbiage mixed up and that is why we are going over it in detail. So, what is not considered a source in Google Analytics? Email would be the correct answer for this one. This is considered a medium. So, what is a medium?

Mediums would be considered categories of sources. This would include organic search, cost-per-click paid search, and web referrals. Email is not a Google Analytics source. It falls under the realm of mediums. 

Let’s Design For You

Here at Let’s Design For You – SEO Company Orange County, we use Google Analytics to track your traffic and understand what is going on with your website. If you have a website that you would like to see grow, contact us. We can work with you to understand what could improve your site and take your business to the next level. Give us a call today to get started. 

Final Note –

Hope now you are clear with the question of what is not considered a source in google analytics by default. If still, you have queries, feel free to reach me through comments.

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