Embark on an exploration of cookies functionality to delve into their complexities, understand online privacy, and confidently navigate the digital realm.

Cookies and cookies functionality are ubiquitous on the internet, serving various purposes such as remembering language preferences, maintaining shopping cart items, tracking online behavior, and refining video suggestions on platforms like YouTube. Uncover insights into adhering to data privacy regulations regarding cookies through our guidelines.


Online businesses aim for informed decision-making by gathering insights into user behavior, traffic origins, demographics, and more on their websites. This is where the utility of cookies becomes apparent.

While they offer assistance, it comes at a cost— the gathering of personal data and the associated risks.

To counter the potential misuse of personal data, numerous governments globally have implemented regulations governing cookie usage, with the most pivotal and expansive being the EU cookie laws.

What are cookies?

In simpler terms, cookies are tiny pieces of data that websites or apps send to your computer, phone, or other devices. They’re like little trackers that gather information about your online activity. Once they’re on your device, they create a kind of ID for you, and then they collect specific types of data that they’re programmed to gather.

What purposes do cookies serve?

Cookies have several uses:
  • Authentication: Cookies can verify users and keep track of their login details.
  • Personalization: They remember user preferences like language choice and layout preferences.
  • Tracking: Some cookies monitor user activity across various websites, often for targeted advertising or enhancing user experience.
  • Analytics: Cookies gather data on website traffic and usage to enhance performance and design.

For instance, an analytics cookie tracks which web pages a user visits and may collect demographic data like age and location if designed to do so.

Other cookies track browsing history to inform advertisers about user interests for personalized ads. Some cookies aid in remembering user preferences, login details, and online shopping carts, enhancing the user experience.

However, it’s important to note that cookies can also be exploited for malicious purposes, such as spreading malware.

What are the different types of cookies and cookies functionality?

Cookies functionality come in various types based on:

Duration: They can be session cookies, which last until you close your browser, or persistent cookies, which stay on your device until you delete them or they expire.

Provenance: Cookies are either first-party (from the website you’re visiting) or third-party (from tools connected to the website but stored elsewhere).

Purpose: They can be essential for website functionality or non-essential for data collection purposes. Non-essential ones include analytics cookies for tracking website usage, preferences cookies for remembering user choices, and marketing cookies for advertising purposes.

First-party cookies VS third-party cookies

First-party cookies are set by the website you’re visiting and are generally less invasive for privacy because they’re only used by that specific website. On the other hand, third-party cookies come from external websites embedded in the site you’re visiting and can track your activity across multiple sites, even if you didn’t visit those third-party sites directly.

Many browsers are now phasing out third-party cookies, with some like Mozilla Firefox and Apple’s Safari already blocking them by default. Google Chrome will join them in blocking third-party cookies starting in 2024. Despite this change, most websites can still function normally and remember your preferences without relying on third-party cookies.

What impact do cookies have on user privacy?

They are not just about remembering your preferences; they can also keep tabs on which websites you visit, where you’re located, and what you’re interested in. This data might be used to tailor advertisements specifically to you or to gather information for analysis and studies.

What are the practical applications of cookies for my business?

Cookies functionality serve several functions, such as:
  • Monitoring your website visitors’ actions and storing their preferences
  • Keeping your website visitors logged in
  • Tailoring advertisements to your website visitors
  • Gathering information for analysis and research purposes

Cookie policy

A cookie policy is essentially a document that outlines the types of cookies a website employs and how those cookies are utilized. It’s mandated by law in many cases and serves to inform users about the website’s cookie practices.

Many countries worldwide enforce cookie policies, with notable laws like the GDPR in the EU, CCPA in the US, and PIPEDA in Canada. These laws often mandate explicit user consent for cookie usage. However, compliance varies, and adherence to one law doesn’t guarantee compliance with others. It’s crucial to research and understand the specific legal obligations applicable to your situation.


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